Thinking about architecture from FUKEI.
Something about imagining an expansive world that could not be captured by the conventional framework of ‘architecture’.
FUKEI is generally translated as landscape, but landscape is not ‘land’, ‘nature’ or ‘space’.
FUKEI is something that emerges moment by moment from the very act of all things living, and is a state of continuous change with a time axis.
Architecture, people, trees and the earth on which they are rooted, everything is drifting in the movement of life.
Can we capture the ‘form’ of change in these ‘FUKEI’?
Every day I wonder if, by designing architecture not as a stand-alone entity, but as something that is connected to a variety of elements, a small building can create a large landscape.
1-1-1-501 Kaigandori , Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture